Providing increased accessibility and opportunity for children with disabilities to learn skills involved in a recreational program is the ultimate goal of Ballsbridge’s Recreational Program.
Children of all ages diagnosed with neurological, developmental, or a learning disability might have limited access to learning a recreation due to the deficits of pre-requisite skills in learning a recreation.
Prerequisite skills may include attending to a task and to the instructor, responding to the environmental cues, imitation of demonstrated fine and gross motor actions, following directions, or functional communication of basic needs and wants.
These skills are commonly taught during early intervention programs that are designed to prepare children to access higher level complex tasks such as the ones involved in recreational activities. The Ballsbridge Recreational Program will offer increased learning opportunity for children who display readiness to learn complex tasks. This will be done through the creation of a collaborative working relationship between a behavior analyst and a recreational instructor and application of teaching methods of applied behavior analysis to teaching a recreational activity.